Vuyani Dlomo

Senior supervisor Vuyani has been at the Gamtoos Irrigation Board since 2008, but before that he enjoyed quite an illustrious sporting career. Always a keen rugby player, this Port Elizabeth-born, but Patensie-raised, man played for the Mighty Elephants from 2001 until 2005, when he moved to Kimberley to continue his rugby career with the Griquas till 2007. From there he moved to Bloemfontein to play for the Cheetahs.

When he began his career at the Gamtoos Irrigation Board, Vuyani spent a number of years in the office undergoing training, so that he could have a complete understanding of the “whole works”.

In 2011, he started at the Kouga Dam as a water control officer, and now he is the person responsible for overseeing the opening and closing of the dam daily, under the direction of Leon Grundling or Andrew Murray.

Describing Vuyani as “our dam man”, GIB CEO Rienette Colesky says he is extremely committed to his work, often taking readings and changing the volume of water at odd times of the day.

“He sometimes has to face a ghost or two during his late-night duties,” she jokes.

Vuyani is married and the proud father of two sons. His wife works in Port Elizabeth, where their sons attend school at Die Heuwel Primary and Linkside High, so during the week he is responsible for his own cooking. He says that he loves it, especially making good potjiekos. His love of rugby is still part of him, so he gives back to the sport by coaching the Patensie Barbarians. When the players come to visit, they always want to sample “Coach’s pot”, he says proudly.

When Vuyani first came to GIB, he wondered about living in the countryside after having been in a relatively busy city like Bloemfontein, but he has really grown to love the peace and tranquillity. He has no plans to leave and can quite easily see himself retiring there, close to nature and to his rugby team.

Senior opsigter, Vuyani, werk sedert 2008 by Gamtoos-Besproeiingsraad, maar voor dit het hy ’n roemryke sportloopbaan geniet. Hy was nog altyd ’n kranige rugbyspeler. Na skool het hierdie man – wat in Port Elizabeth gebore is maar in Patensie grootgemaak is – rugby gespeel vir die Oostelike Provinsie Rugbyunie se Mighty Elephants vanaf 2001 tot 2005. Daarna het hy in Kimberley gaan woon om vir die Griekwas te speel. In 2007 het hy na Bloemfontein verhuis, weereens om rugby te speel, maar dié keer vir die Cheetahs.

Vuyani het sy werksloopbaan by die Gamtoos-Besproeiingsraad in die kantoor begin waar hy ’n hele aantal jare deurgebring het. Hier het hy genoegsame opleiding en ervaring opgedoen om die werkinge van die raad volledig te verstaan.

Hy het in 2011 by die Kouga Dam begin werk as ’n waterbeheerbeampte, en nou het hy die hewige verantwoordelikheid om die persoon te wees wat daagliks toesig hou oor die oop- en toemaak van die dam, onder leiding van Leon Grundling of Andrew Murray.

Rienette Colesky, GIB se Hoof-uitvoerendebeampte noem Vuyani “ons dam man” en sê dat hy besonders toegewyd is aan sy werk. Hy neem gereeld lesings en verander die water volume van die dam op ongewone tye.

Sy spot dat hy “soms ’n spook of twee teëkom as hy so laat in die aand werk.”

Vuyani is getroud en is die trotse pa van twee seuns. Sy vrou werk tans in Port Elizabeth waar hulle seuns op skool is, onderskeidelik by Laerskool Die Heuwel  en Linkside Hoërskool. Dit beteken dat hy gedurende die week verantwoordelik is vir sy eie kosmaak. Hy sê dat hy dit nogal baie geniet – veral om lekker potjiekos te maak. Sy voorliefde vir rugby is steeds deel van sy lewe, en om terug te gee aan díe sport is hy nou die afrigter van die Patensie Barbarians. Hy sê trots dat sy span altyd “Coach se pot” wil proe wanneer hulle vir hom gaan kuier.

Toe Vuyani eers by GBR  aangesluit het, het hy gewonder hoe hy in die platteland sou aanpas nadat hy in ’n redelike besige stad soos Bloemfontein gewoon het, maar hy het regtig lief geword vir die rustigheid en vrede wat hy hier gevind het. Hy het geen plan om weg te trek nie, en kan homself maklik in sy aftreejare hier sien, naby aan die natuur – en aan sy rugbyspan.