Ivan Steenbok

Ivan is known by all at the Gamtoos Irrigation Board (GIB) as “a hard worker and an all-round good guy,” according to Derik Thokoane, manager of works.

Ivan, who has been employed here since June 2015, is another of the new Grade 1 Supervisors. He was first engaged as a driver, but saw the opportunity for personal growth in 2019, when he applied for and was promoted to his current position.

When it comes to his responsibilities at GIB, his first focus is always “the safety of my men”, he says.

In cases where leaks or burst pipes are reported, he is responsible for transporting his team to the site where they can effect repairs. Other duties include minor items of construction involving mortar and concrete boxing, though this type of work is often outsourced nowadays.

Ivan moved to Hankey in 1993, but was born and raised in Uitenhage. He now lives in Patensie with his wife and two children.

“I love this place,” he says of GIB. “Life puts you through a lot of things on the way, but I know that this is the place where I hope to retire one day.”

Almal by Gamtoosbesproeiingsraad ken hom as “hardwerkend en ‘n regte goeie mens” sê Derik Thokoane, die bestuurder van werke.

Ivan, wat al sedert Junie 2015 in diens is by die Gamtoosbesproeiingsraad, is ook ‘n Graad 1 Voorman. Hy het hier begin werk as ‘n drywer, maar is verlede jaar bewus gemaak van die vakante posisie, en het van die geleentheid vir persoonlike groei gebruik gemaak. Dus vind hy homself in sy huidige pos.

Wat sy verantwoordelikhede betref, is sy eerste fokus “die veiligheid van my span.”

In gevalle wanneer lekkasies of gebarste pype aangemeld is, is hy verantwoordelik om sy span na die plek te vervoer waar hulle dan die nodige herstelwerk kan doen. Partymaal word daar ook van hulle verwag om geringe konstruksiewerk te doen, alhoewel sulke take deesdae oor die algemeen uitgekontrakteer word.

Ivan het in 1993 in Hankey kom bly, al is hy in Uitenhage gebore en grootgemaak. Maar vandag is hy, sy vrou en twee kinders gelukkige inwoners van Patensie.

“Ek is so lief vir hierdie plek,” sê hy. “ Die ou lewe sit baie dinge in jou pad, maar ek weet dat dit die plek is waar ek eendag wil aftree.”