GIB and farmers join in growing talent in plant production internship
The Gamtoos Irrigation Board’s conference room was abuzz with excitement on March 23, as an enthusiastic group of students started their one-year learnership programme in plant production.

Looking smart in their new GIB golf shirts, the 10 young people from the Hankey and Patensie area got down to business with their first block of theoretical training.
The programme, aimed at growing local talent, is a partnership between GIB, local farmers and service provider ELI (Ethics and Leadership Institute), whose singular purpose is the development of the agricultural sector in Africa.
Over the next 12 months, the students will gain a holistic understanding of plant-based commercial production, rooted in expert guidance from experienced farmers.
GIB’s Nomazizi Tube and Lee-Ann Malgas are coordinating all the student activities. Zizi says the candidates, all of whom have a Grade 12 certificate, were carefully selected.
“It was quite an extensive sifting process to narrow down the applicants. This included a numeracy and literacy test as well as an interview.”
After completing the theoretical component, which makes up 30% of their coursework, the students will start their practical training in April.
For this part, they will be paired up and assigned to one of the participating local farmers who will oversee their on-the-job training. The students have already plunged their hands into the soil at the Patensie nursery.
Rienette Colesky, CEO of GIB, believes it is a win-win programme for all participants. “Farmers have the benefit of two extra pairs of hands to assist where necessary. Students will acquire much-needed skills, and farmers are in a position to assess their skills and include promising candidates in their own workforce,” she says.
Colesky says by getting involved in this initiative, farmers are exercising their social responsibility and developing skills in their own community. In return, the Board will be able to gain B-BBEE accreditation.
The cost and coordination of activities is being borne by GIB, with students receiving a monthly stipend for the duration of their training.
GBR en boere kweek jong talent met plantproduksie leerlingskap
Die Gamtoosbesproeiingsraad se konferensiesaal het op 23 Maart gegons van opgewondenheid toe ‘n groep entoesiastiese studente hul eenjaar-lange leerlingskap in plantproduksie afgeskop het.

Deftig getooi in hul nuwe GBR golfhemde, het die tien jong mense uit Hankey en Patensie begin met hul teoretiese opleiding wat deel maak van die leerlingskap.
Die program, wat gemik is op die kweek van plaaslike talent, is deel van ‘n vennootskap tussen GBR, plaaslike boere, en die diensverskaffer ELI (Ethics and Leadership Institute), wat doelgerig werk om die landbousektor in Afrika te ontwikkel.
Oor die volgende 12 maande sal die studente ‘n omvattende begrip kry van plantgebaseerde kommersiële produksie, wat sal voortspring uit die kundige leiding van boere met jarelange ondervinding.
Gamtoosbesproeiingsraad se Nomazizi Tube en Lee-Ann Malgas koördineer die studente-aktiwiteite. Zizi sê dat die kandidate, wat almal oor ‘n Graad-12 sertifikaat beskik, baie sorgvuldig gekies is.
“Dit was nogal ‘n uitgebreide siftingsproses om die aansoekers uit te dun. Hulle moes ‘n syfer- en taalgeletterdheidstoets ondergaan sowel as ‘n onderhoud.”
Sodra hulle met die teoretiese komponent klaarmaak, wat 30% van die kursus behels, sal die studente in April met praktiese opleiding begin.
Vir die praktiese opleiding sal hulle in pare aan een van die deelnemende plaaslike boere toevertrou word wat toesig oor hulle werksopleiding sal hou.
Rienette Colesky, hoof uitvoerende beampte van GBR, glo dat almal uit dié program baat sal vind. “Die boere sal ‘n ekstra twee paar hande hê om te help waar dit nodig is. Die studente sal vaardighede aanleer en die boere sal in ‘n posisie wees om hulle werk te beoordeel en om belowende kandidate aan te stel as deel van hul eie werksmag,”sê sy.
Colesky sê deur by hierdie inisiatief betrokke te raak, beoefen die boere hulle sosiale verantwoordelikheid en help om vaardighede te ontwikkel in hul eie gemeenskap. In ruil daarvoor sal die Raad B-BBEE akkreditasie kry.
Die onkostes en koördinering van aktiwiteite word deur GBR gedra, en die studente sal daarby ook ‘n maandelikse toelaag vir die duur van hulle opleiding ontvang.